Are you or your church seeking a way to introduce people to Jesus?
How about a custom made and prayed on license tag that is
made in the USA - from the hills of Tennessee.
Use one of our hundreds of designs or have a custom one made for you, your church or business.
Our Movement: Put on a Tag4God
A Tag4God is a rolling billboard for our Lord Jesus Christ.
For 33 years we have put out 100s of thousands of Tags through Christian book stores, gift shops, churches and businesses.
Using mobile billboards are effective! Imagine one Tag4God can say "Jesus Loves You" to 12 strangers each day! We are sowing seeds outward so God can bring growth.
The Lord has told us to bring it directly to the people. Our vision is planting 33 trillion seeds of hope and love to a dying world in 3 years! We invite you to join us, here’s how;
Put on a Tag4God
Purchase them for your home group, church or business
Fundraiser: Buy wholesale to receive more revenue for your ministry or offer them to others for retail, if you have a storefront or place that people gather
Please pray over our outreach that we will “heal and succeed” Psalms 107:20 and Isaiah 55:11.
Volunteer your time and expertise. Send others to us. II Timothy 2:1-2. Donate to the cause to spread God’s Kingdom.
Just a few of our Tags4God

Our Story
My name is Richard Thomas Ralston. Just days after I said 'yes' to Jesus, I noticed a tag (license plate) that said ‘Jesus First’ and knew it was a great way to witness and tell the Good News that all who come to the saving knowledge of Christ that none will perish and that they will have everlasting life.
In July of 1994; on my knees God spoke to me and said "do for Me, putting them first and I will reward you”. I left the job I was in and became a representative for the Christian Booksellers Association. I knew getting God’s word out among the people that saw it, read it and heard it would never return void!

Richard and Karen Ralston

Now you can tell your story with a personal, church or business custom Tag4God. Show a dying world Hope, Faith and Love through His life and light. In word and deed.
Using a Tag4God (mobile billboard) is exactly how I envisioned the tags to be! Our hearts from day one was to Spread the Word of the Lord. With healings just as Pau’s handkerchiefs and Peter’s shadow! No matter what you do - a job, an occupation, a student or a pastor? No matter what industry - a business, entertainment, medical, government or science. Yes you can put on a Tag4God.
Let’s start a movement for God!
Join our mission and send his comforting healing word!
Contact us today! 423-647-WORD (9673)